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18 March 2009

early mornin jitters

i've spent entirely too much energy in attempting to keep my kids at least aware that their biggest domestic enemy is government,,i have no intention of abiding by some NWO ass' agenda that would deliver their minds into an atmosphere which would no doubt prove to be anti-American,,,this could be my tipping point,,,sure, there are a lot of other reasons to resist strenuously,,but i,like many others that i am aware of,,still find it necessary to engage in the day to day drudgery of "life",,,,this,,,this will force me to action ,,we've all heard of it... HR1388 and now, with the navy "laying off" sailors,,perhaps the soon to come increases in military commitments will be justification to re-institute the draft,,,and this one is NOT your fathers draft either,,,,maybe have to carry private health insurance???,,,hehe,,,History of the Draft,,,from what i have gathered, the age cutoff has been advanced significantly,,and some are pushing to include females as well...maybe a little over reaching here on my end,,but i shall be paying close attention....i raised my kids with a love of Nation,,and the idea that service(voluntary) to that ideal was a noble undertaking......but to kill or be killed to fill some &^@*$ pigs bank accounts,,,and destroy, completely, innocent lives and cultures...that IS NOT what this Country is about,,,,,i think the time is closer than ever,,the burning question i, and others face, is how much are we willing to sacrifice??can i do as was done in the past,,live(or die),in opposition to tyranny?here, in my own back yard?,,,,druther not find out,,but, seems there may be no choice real soon,,,have a good'un,,keep preppin..peace

By liberty I mean the assurance that every man shall be protected in doing what he believes is his duty against the influence of authority and majorities, custom and opinion. John Acton