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11 February 2009

seeds for life

been sitting here for a couple hours all kinds of thrilled..ordered seeds last sunday, they came in yesterday,,,being low budgeted in all things, i collaborated with several friends to get monies needed,,149$ for a truly impressive collection of seed,,this is totally unsolicited testimony from an overly satisfied customer,,,the collection and quantity together are amazing,, http://www.americansurvivalstore.com/Survivalist-Seeds_c_41.html ,i compared what i received with what i stored last spring,and i wished i hadn't spent so much then,,but hindsight and all,,,dividing them up to send out got me in that gardening mode...if you can afford it, THIS IS a seriously awesome survival purchase..given the coming food crunch,,and it IS coming,,.now to find more tillage,as the competition at local victory garden promises to be stiff this year,,and me being a newbie to the club and all,,,do crossed fingers really work?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good idea to split the order with others. That way each person can get what they will actually eat. I like most vegetables, but will pass on the eggplant, thank you!

I went a little nuts on the seed orders this winter, and ordered some great heirloom stuff from Fedco Seeds in Maine, Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds in the Ozarks, and Seed Savers Exchange.

A great place to read up on seed company ratings is http://davesgarden.com/products/gwd/. You can't go wrong with their Watchdog 30 companies, who are consistently rated as excellent.